Thursday, September 25, 2008

WAMU to be purchase by JP Morgan for...............

Well, for a lot less than you bought the stock at, that's for sure.

In an expected conference call that should be happening about right now, JP is supposed to outline the details of the deal to the media.

So, what you have is this: A company that not too long ago was considered a viable, liquid institution with a stock valued at around 46 dollars a share, is currently valued at a truly depressing $1.69, will be sold on the cheap to the current savior of Wall Street, none other than JP Morgan

The most enraging thing to me, and I'm sure to most of us regular Joes who are aware of it, is the fact that Kerry Killinger, the CEO that piloted this Titanic, will a receive a minimum of 17.7 million dollars for his effort on the way out the door.

Here's a list of some other generous severance packages for the Leaders of failed enterprises:

Read it and try not to weep.

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