Monday, September 29, 2008

Witch way to Alaska?

Goddamn, the shit just gets weirder every day with this broad:

So, did you hear the one about the economy?

I'm sure that you did, and found the punchline as repulsive and sour as I did.

The cruelest joke of them all, however is the pay of the executives of these collective companies that were recklessly run into the ground and then either gobbled up or bailed out.

Don't get me wrong, I feel that CEO's should be allowed to make gobs of money, so long as their stockholders earn as well, relatively speaking.

But if their gambles don't pay off, doesn't it reason that their pay should reflect their performance?

Also, I am painfully aware of the argument that if you don't offer a ridiculous and non-performance based pay, you will not attract the type of talent, and suffer in the end.

But this argument does not address the concept of Social Justice, which is why you have a serious amount of resentment from the "Main Street" that the politicians on bothe sides are so fond of referring to.

The concept of Social Justice has been so readily ignored over the past few years, because we have been lulled to sleep by fantastically appreciating home prices and and and a low unemplyoyment rate artificially represented by low paying jobs pervading the marketplace(Welcome to Walmart, can I replace your Union Job?).

I don't think I am mistaken in my sense that Social Justice will become a growing area of importance to the American Populace that will parallel the growing awareness of the systematic assassination of the American Dream by the few that have been handed so much power over or our economic lives by those in the current administration that would prefer to to answer to no one and rule without oversight.

Here is a list of those few, the Main Offenders, whose exorbitant pay will effectively be footed by us, the American Taxpayer:

Company: Merril Lynch

CEO: Stanley O'neal

Shortly before being let go, Merrill Lynch wrote down 7.9 billion dollars due to O'neal's foray into sub prime lending. Total write downs are approaching 45 billion

Payout: 161.5 million Dollars

Country Wide Financial

Angelo Mozilo

Company's worth shrunk from 25 billion to 2.5 billion, before being bought on the cheap from Bank of America. Mozilo Cashed out his stock options has the bank went into freefall.

Payout: 121.5 million dollars


Charles Prince

In 2007 Citigroup reported a 57% drop in quarterly earnings and lost a quarter of its market value. So he did the honorable thing and...stepped down.

Payout: 68 million dollars


Robert Willumstad (July 08-September08)

Martin Sullivan (2005-2008)

Maurice (Hank) Greenberg (1968-2005)

AIG, the worlds largest mortgage insurer, saw it's stock plunge from $27 to $2 per share in 2008. Just agreed to an 85 million dollar payout by the Federal Government

Robert Willumstad rejected 22 million dollar severance package (good for him!)

Martin Sullivan 47 million dollar severance package

Maurice (Hank) Greenberg 6-Year Average Compensation in 2003: 25 million dollars per year


Kerry K Killinger

Alan Fishman

The appropriately named Killinger, CEO of Wamu since the early 90's, oversaw a rapid expansion of WAMU and its foray into the riskiest types of loans. He was ousted as CEO on September 5.

Fishman was on the job for 3 months before Federal Regulators seized it and brokered a fire sale to JP Morgan Chase

The collapse of WAMU was by far the largest bank failure in US history at over 300 billion dollars.

Killinger Up to 22 million dollars

Fishman Up to 13 million dollars or $928,571 PER DAY during his tenure

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

Daniel Mudd and Richard Syron

While boasting of feasting on the reduced competition in the market place and rejecting internal warnings, Fannie slumped 85 percent and Freddie's Value sank to negative 5.6 billion dollars

Payout: Zero!.

While Syron has made over 17 million dollars in compensation since 2003, regulators shot down any severance pay for the two CEO's.

Bear Stearns

Jimmy Cayne

Too busy competing in bridge tournaments to deal with his company's precipitous slide, Jimmy was hard to reach by anybody while Bear Stearns was purchased by JP Morgan Chase for $10 dollars a share, down from $170 in 2007. During the slide, Poor Jimmy saw his personal fortune dwindle from 1 billion dollars to a paltry 600 million

Cayne dumped his Bear stock during the JP takeover, and got a payout of 61.3 million dollars.

Oh, he'll also receive about 5 million in JP stock

Indy Mac Bank

Michael Perry

Perry, a protege of the aforementioned Michael Mozilo, lorded over a bank for 15 years that became the second largest bank failure in US history, second only to the recent WAMU collapse.

His payout is unknown for sure, but Forbes reports that it was in the neighborhood of 38 million dollars.

Lehman Bros

Richard Fuld

These are all unbelievable numbers, to be sure, but the King Daddy of them all, the Hannibal Lecter, Charles Manson, and OJ Simpson of the financial world is none other than Richard Fuld

Lehman Bros, a 158 year old company that weathered the Great Depression, declared bankruptcy on September 15th.

Over the last five years of his tenure, Mr. Fuld raked in 354 million dollars by cashing in options and selling off of his stock. That is NOT a typo. 354 million dollars, and some reports have it closer to 500 million. For those of you with a difficulty processing zeroes, that is a HALF A BILLION DOLLARS.

So, read em and try not to weep. I'll try to have better news for you on my next post.

The godless liberal

Friday, September 26, 2008

Still don't know what I was waitin' for....

New voter registration is up

This can only be a great thing.

It means that young voters are giving a shit and registering to vote and realizing that they can make a difference. Good for them.

And these children that you spit on
As they try to change their worlds
Are immune to your consultations
They're quite aware of what they're going through
-David Bowie "Changes"

Thursday, September 25, 2008

A lighter shade of Quayle

As I watch events unfold and flip back and forth between CNN and Fox news, I feel as though I am watching two different countries.

Fox bemoans the media for picking on poor poor pitiful Sara, and CNN accurately calls complete bullshit on her for her obvious lack of even a basic grasp of current events.

I have been personally fighting the urge to feel sorry for her, as I would of almost anyone who has obviously lost so much confidence in themselves in such a short time. But I got over that pretty quickly.

I haven't heard any comparisons to the first Bush's choice of VP, and it is surprising, because the intelligence level and more importantly, a disregard for intelligence, is eerily similar.

Sara Quaylin?

You heard it here first. My only hope is that the similarities end by Quayle being the only one of them to occupy the second highest office in the world.

And I sense that because of her recent interviews in which she comes off as more than mildly retarded and willfully ignorant, that this could never be possible, my next thought is:

That asshole Quayle did it! Holy fucking shit! Could it happen again?

For the brief moments that I can bear to watch the Bush Network, I fight the urge to go Elvis and take my pistol gripped shotgun and go to town on the 42" Visio for allowing this to happen.

As McCain takes off like a drooling madman back to Washington, and then darts wildly from allegedly urgent meeting to urgent meeting like an elderly John Wayne on crystal meth, I can't help but laugh at the spectacle of it all, and notice in contrast how cool,calm and goddamn presidential Obama comes off in comparison.

I know that those of us who have been smitten (yes, I said smitten) by Obama since he first arrived on the scene, have been accused by the old guard of having a blind hard on for the man, because of his charisma and charm.

Well, lordy, the man is filled with both of these things, but more importantly he maintains a firm intellectual grip on the important issues of the day, and an unavoidably obvious heavy dollop of soul and grace.

Some might find it a tad racist to label the first black candidate as soulful, but I couldn't disagree more. It is an unabashed compliment,and something that I only wished that this here white boy possessed more of. Soul is truly important and is something that should be strived for, and seldom seen in a political candidate.

Next: WAMU seized!

WAMU to be purchase by JP Morgan for...............

Well, for a lot less than you bought the stock at, that's for sure.

In an expected conference call that should be happening about right now, JP is supposed to outline the details of the deal to the media.

So, what you have is this: A company that not too long ago was considered a viable, liquid institution with a stock valued at around 46 dollars a share, is currently valued at a truly depressing $1.69, will be sold on the cheap to the current savior of Wall Street, none other than JP Morgan

The most enraging thing to me, and I'm sure to most of us regular Joes who are aware of it, is the fact that Kerry Killinger, the CEO that piloted this Titanic, will a receive a minimum of 17.7 million dollars for his effort on the way out the door.

Here's a list of some other generous severance packages for the Leaders of failed enterprises:

Read it and try not to weep.

Is Palin Ready to be Vice President?

I didn't originally intend for this to be repository for funny videos that mock the right, but I've been too busy to post, and these are pretty damn entertaining.

To much is going on right now for me to sort my thoughts out...........

Sara Silverman is calling all Jews.....

See more Sarah Silverman videos at Funny or Die

She truly takes the word "unprepared" to a whole new level

Watch this and tell me how anyone with half a brain could place this clueless Alaskan a heartbeat away from the Presidency

Monday, September 22, 2008

The Godless Liberal in Seattle

As I watch the gradual deterioration of our civil rights, the utter lack of accountability among our "Leaders" and sense of apathy amongst much of our populace, I find myself vaccilating between outrage and numbness.

Sure, the numbness is largely due to self-medication, but it is a reasonable alternative, in my book.

What can one do? Of course, one should only worry about the things one can control, but what if the situations outside of your control are affecting the things that you can, or should be able to manage?

We have a huge corporate bailout of nearly a trillion dollars, with not a cent set aside for any sort of relief for the average American. Much like rush to the Iraq War, it is being sold to us as something that needs to be pushed through, no questions asked, in the name of National Security.

Really? Are you fucking serious, Mr. President?

It's a bit much to take.

The "L" (liberal, not lesbian) word has been effectively reduced to portray an effette, Ivory Tower living, America Hating, French Loving pussy who would rather eat tofu cakes and hummus than watch 8 hours of football on Sunday, like a true American.

To that, I can only say, "bite me you scum sucking fascist"

I am trying to figure out where and when exactly Republicans cornered the market on love for their country. I think it started with Reagan, and it blossomed because, to be truthful, Democrats have been too big of pussies to fight them on it. They've painted themselves into a corner by refusing to consistently articulate that their agenda is pro-american (at the very least more pro-american than the fascist tendencies of the Bush Administration) and why it is pro-American.

It is patriotic and American to question authority, not to bow to it.
It is patriotic and American to engage countries in civilized discussion rather than bomb them.
It is patriotic and American to understand that we are one country (albeit the most powerful) in a sea of many other countries, rather than the center of the Universe.
It is patriotic and American to see health care as a basic human need
It is patriotic and American to be a citizen of the world, rather than wrapping yourself in the flag

It is not patriotic and American to question the patriotism of those you disagree with, especially when their ideals are based on a sense of humanity and not societal darwinism

It is the height of irony that the culture of greed and avarice has convinced many that to have a basic compassion for others is a sign of weakness and worse, Un-American

I have heard the pundits carry on about Godless Liberals, and I am here to say that I am one.

I don't believe in spooky stories written by people who lived in caves thousands of years ago.

I believe that everything is relative, and that there are few absolutes. Shoot me. (No, I take that back. Under the Patriot Act, I believe that I just gave Cheney consent...)

The world we live in is governed by wierdness and randomness, and it is the engine of opposites that truly runs the world. (I stole that last part from Tom Robbins)

I was told recently that the singularity is coming by someone who truly believes it. I don't know that I am that much of an optimist. The way I see it, it is either that, or the Apocolypse. And as you've probably guessed by now, I don't follow the bible.

The singularity is the idea that evolution is following something along the lines of Moore's Law, and soon there will be such a convergence of man and machine and information, that we will truly live in a vertical world, where no one will have leverage over anyone or anything else, because everyone will have access to the same information and that information will be impossible to control or dominate. No one will have a need for anything, and no wars will be fought, because everything will be understood and therefore possible.

The only thing that stands in the way as far as I can see is fundementalism. And when I say that it is either the Singularity or the Apocalypse, I mean this:

The people who believe in the Apocalypse want the Apocalypse. Things will be so much better on the other side, in their belief, that it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

That is why true believers scare me and should scare you too. They are the only thing standing in the way of you and any hope of peace in this world, and their numbers are many. They exist in this country as well as nearly every other country in the world, and they are to be feared. They are the cause of much of the pain and suffering and ignorance in this world

And that is why I am proud to be a "godless liberal", if that is what they want to call me.